In life: nothing risked is nothing gained.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

prep time.

10 days. This is no joke. 10 days. 10 days.

How do they expect me to pack only one bag? I probably should considering I will be living on the 4th floor with no elevator.

For those of you that don't know, I will be leaving for Italy in...oh what is it?.... 10 DAYS. I will be there for about 5 months. It shall be amazing. Kinda scared. Who wouldn't be, right? This is kind of like a foreign exchange without the exchanging. I'm taking classes like I normally would I will merely be in FLORENCE, ITALY. - which by the way, "they" say should never be translated from Italian. Meaning I already suck at blending in.

The only way I can be reached while in Italia will be through skype. My Skype name is shandiebeckwith. It's free. Download it here. You'll need a webcam if you want to see me.

Here is the best pic I can find of my future home. 

Today I was accused of prematurely sending my brain to Italy... maybe it's true. One can only hope. ;)


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